Social Media Community Guidelines
Please take note of the following Social Media Community Guidelines for Cape Town City Ballet’s Social Media Accounts:
All views will be respected, so long as they are articulated in a respectful manner.
Please protect the privacy of all the Cape Town City Ballet page members at all times.
No naming and shaming of professionals, businesses, or individuals, will result in the banning of the perpetrator.
If a member would prefer to post or comment anonymously, please send a direct message to the page via Facebook Messenger or Instagram Direct Message. Discretion is guaranteed and anonymity when content is sensitive.
Cape Town City Ballet reserves the right to reject or remove content (such as a comment on a post) as a result of tone, content, and purpose.
Cape Town City Ballet reserves the right to permanently remove anyone who does not comply with our social media account’s values of respect, privacy, and kindness.
This page neither allows any arguments, disrespect, hate speech or fake news nor does it allow any gossip about members either inside or outside the social media accounts.
Out of respect for others’ differing beliefs, please refrain from religious or political content.
Admins of this page have no liability whatsoever pertaining to any actions or transactions or advice taken within or resulting from this group.
Any medical, financial or legal advice on this page must never replace that of a qualified professional.
Upon liking/following Cape Town City Ballet’s social media account, all members are in agreement to all of the above points.
Your membership funding is invaluable to us in achieving our goals:
• To delight anew our loyal supporters • To inspire new audiences to love ballet • To nurture and grow our young talent